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Protect Your Business from Phone System Hacking

There’s a growing risk that your phone system will be hacked…

nec-business-phone-system-hackingThe consequences can be alarming and leave businesses facing bills which can run into thousands – and even result in bankruptcy.

Worryingly, the UK is the third most targeted country in the world and the truth is, most businesses don’t truly understand the threat they’re facing. It’s no wonder they have no strategy to protect themselves…

Now though, you can defend yourself against these attacks, thanks to a simple, low-cost solution. NEC’s Toll Fraud Guard application is compatible with the SV9100, SV8100, SL1000 and SL1100 series communication servers and provides a low maintenance, robust response in the face of attack. And because the ‘on-board’ application is embedded into your system, you don’t have the extra cost of renting server space to worry about, (as you would with certain other ‘solutions’ we could mention…)

For more information on how to protect your business from phone system hacking
call us on 03456 78 78 78

What exactly is a toll fraud attack?

Put simply, it’s an attempt by a hacker to gain unlawful access to a phone system, usually via an open SIP port. Attacks are often highly organized from an automated server and once accessed, fraudulent calls are connected which, over a period of time, can run up huge call charges – potentially thousands of pounds. Typically, attacks occur out of office hours and usually, they’re not discovered until after the event, when it’s already too late…

How does Toll Fraud Guard work specifically with your business?

The simple set-up of Toll Fraud is based around your business’s specific call patterns; for instance office hours, public holidays, length of a call, excessive calls rates and so on. From these parameters, a set of rules is created – and as soon as a rule is broken, out goes the alert.

But that’s not all: Toll Fraud doesn’t only detect suspected toll fraud attacks, it can also help prevent internal abuse of your phone system. Conveniently, you can change your rule settings remotely, whenever you like; wherever you have an Internet connection.

How does NEC’s Toll Fraud Guard defend against these?

We monitor your call activity 24/7 and any – any suspicious call activity is detected instantly. This triggers one of two automatic alerts: an ‘alert only’ email sent to designated recipients; or, in more severe cases, an ‘alert and block’, which prevents any further call activity instantly. The emails provide call information explaining why a call (or calls) were flagged as ‘suspicious’. Once checked, if the call activity is legitimate, then restriction can be removed, simply by replying to the alert email.

Does your business need Toll Fraud Guard protection?

The vast majority of businesses in the Europe are considered vulnerable to phone fraud attacks – including an intimidating 84% of those operating in the UK. Most networks and phone systems have only basic toll restriction features and whilst it’s true that no solution can provide 100% protection, your chances of ending up a victim are much, much reduced with Toll Fraud.

health-checkHealth Check Feature

During installation, an automated Toll Fraud feature scans your system for weaknesses, with a ‘traffic light’ safety score.

Think of it as an audit of phone system security risks. The installation is then tailor-made for your specific requirements and network set up, maximising effectiveness.

8 reasons why you need Toll Fraud Guard

  1. Peace of mind with an effective toll fraud defence, that’s ‘On duty’ 24 /7/365
  2. Helps prevent toll fraud attacks which can easily cost thousands
  3. Unique, low cost on-board solution with no extra PC server costs
  4. Tailored specifically to the needs of your business
  1. Zero maintenance solution which ‘sits in the background’ – until any alerts are triggered
  2. Easy to use: alerts are easily switched off if telephone usage is legitimate
  3. Acts as a strong deterrent to internal telephone abuse
  4. Flexible solution with easy updates via online Application Manager

We also have software for Panasonic systems to guard against hacking/toll fraud.
For more information please call Octagon Communications on 03456 78787 or email us via our contact page.

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